Shrink an Inch? Or Two?
Laser Lipolysis
Un proceso semipermanente que utiliza una cuchilla especial para crear trazos similares a pelos. El uso de este método corregirá sus cejas si son desiguales, escasas o sin vello. A diferencia del tatuaje cosmético normal, esta técnica se parece a tu propio cabello. El microblading puede durar hasta 3 años dependiendo de tu tipo de piel y de cómo cuides tus cejas. También requiere retoques ocasionales.
Lipo Infra Light is unique in that it treats cellulite, fluid retention and fatty tissue all at the same time whilst increasing the bodies circulation. Lipo Infra Light uses a combined procedure for the treatment of weight loss, cellulite and fluid retention, but if required cellulite and fluid retention can be treated separately for a more targeted procedure.
The stunning results and proven efficiency of Lipo Infra Light are the result of the simultaneous use of electro-lipolysis and locally applied chromo therapy (Infra Light). These selective Infra Light rays generate heat and stimulate enzyme activity in the fatty acids into the bloodstream to be used for energy.
The electro-lipolysis simultaneously causes muscle contraction and immediately burns the fat for energy. The result is ultra rapid body re-shaping and the reduction of fatty tissues. The key to the fantastic results achieved with the Lipo Infra Light is a special microprocessor which is able to direct the thermal energy to the areas affected by fatty tissues or cellulite. By aiming the light directly to the fatty tissue the infra red radiation encourages a biological response which in turn leads to a recovery in the cells functions and a consequent improvement in the micro-circulation. When combined with the electro-stimulation the results are stunning.
Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation utilizes sound waves which increase the pressure around the fat cells causing them to implode/ break, releasing fat and toxins. The body naturally metabolizes the fat and releases it over the next 24 to 72 hours. Most clients lose approximately 1/2″ in 1/2 hour session. The process is safe, painless, non-invasive and there is zero down time.
Un método de maquillaje semipermanente. Este método se realiza con una máquina digital. El color se implanta más profundamente en la piel, lo que se conoce como capa dérmica. Dura más que el método Micro-blading/Bordado de cejas. La aguja que se usa es muy pequeña y el color se aplica en capas muy suaves, lo que le da a la ceja un acabado suave y empolvado una vez que se completa la cicatrización. La micropigmentación solo necesita ser retocada cada 2 a 5 años, a veces más.approximately 1-2 cm into the body and create a process called cavitation, which creates cavities (empty pockets, empty bubbles) hence cavitation which raises the pressure around the fat cells, which are located in the interstitial fluid layer. The fat cells have very weak cell walls and end up imploding due to the pressure and therefor release the fat and toxins. The organs and vascular system have very strong cell walls and are not effected by the cavitation process. Ultrasonic Cavitation has been around for 7 years. It is currently in Europe, Australia, and even Canada. Newer to the U.S. market, and has been available for the last 2 years. .
Ultrasound Cavitation which is a new, REVOLUTIONARY fat removal technology that does NOT involve surgery – there is no need for anesthetics, no hospital stay or time off work, and… last but not least – the cost of procedure is only $150 per session (additional discounts for packages of 4 and 6 treatments) as compared to thousands of dollars for other unsafe, temporary fat removing treatments. This unique cavitation technology allows for SAFE, AFFORDABLE, CONVENIENT, and NON-INVASIVE removal of stubborn fat deposits that never seem to disappear no matter the dedication to your diet or how hard you work out. The most problematic body areas are: abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, and upper arms. Your body can be now contoured with no anesthesia, no scars, and no down-time!
Radio Frequency Tightening
Radio frequency is a revolutionary technology, which utilizes multi-polar radio frequency to effectively improve skin tightness and elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and boost the overall condition on areas of the body such as the face, chin and jaw line, upper arm, abdomen, thighs, bra line, muffin top, or buttocks. RF Treatments, which have been featured in Elle and New You magazines, is a safe, noninvasive way to shave years off your skin’s appearance.
Skin is our bodies’ largest organ, adapting everywhere to the changes in your shape, activities and lifestyle. As we age, our skin’s resiliency and elasticity decreases – especially after major life events like childbirth – and sometimes never returns to that smooth skin feeling. For most people, age brings with it areas of sagging or unsightly bulges that just can’t be remedied with exercise or diet. It’s skin – not fat – that often gets in the way of achieving the youthful look we all desire.
Vibration Therapy
Vibration Therapy engages fast-twitch muscles which use fat for energy (unlike large muscle groups which use sugars for energy). Simply standing on the vibration machine will help build muscle mass, increase bone density, aid in circulation & digestion, and assist in draining the lymphatic system. 10 minutes of vibration therapy is said to be as effective as 60 minutes at the gym. Vibration Therapy has positive benefits related to these health issues:
Weight loss
Cleansing the Lymphatic System
Athletic Performance
Cystic Fibrosis
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Lower Back Pain
Neck Pain
Poor Circulation
Varicose Veins
Multiple Sclerosis
Plantar FasciitisStress